Hayk's story: Armenian child shows generosity amid war

Hayk's story: Armenian child shows generosity amid war

Church of the Nazarene South Asia Field
| 03 Feb 2021
Packing Boxes In Armenia

This is a firsthand account from missionaries in Armenia who are aiding Nazarene Compassionate Ministries’ response to the Armenian/Azerbaijan conflict. Names of individuals have been changed or omitted for security.

We woke up in war. Everyone was shocked by the intensity of the fighting. Thousands of families had to run to find shelter in the basements of their buildings. In the past, there had been sporadic conflict just for two or three days. Then a truce would come and everything would go back to normal. This time was different. During the first two weeks, many people were killed and thousands of families were displaced from their homes. 

After we understood the magnitude of the crisis, the church immediately mobilized to come together to extend its hands of compassion to help the people in need. Some of our churches in the district started collecting food, bottled water, candies and toys for the children, blankets, and mattresses. The response of the church was very fast and effective. NCM joined the efforts of the local churches, and we could reach even more displaced people.

Hayk's Snack box
Hayk's contribution to the food box (circled)

A story that really impacted us was that of Hayk. Hayk is a sponsored child from our Kids Club. We called all our church members, including the parents of many of our sponsored children who do not attend the church, and asked for help. Many came with packages of food, water, candies, and toys for the children. When Hayk came with his mother to drop a package with food and other hygienic items, he carefully placed a small chocolate in the collection box. He told the Kids Club coordinator that he spent his little money (50 Armenian Dram) buying the chocolate and wanted to share it with another child that was suffering because of the war. 

The chocolate Hayk gave that morning reminded us about God’s love for us as well as the generosity of a beautiful child that, even in spite of his limitation, was able to share a small chocolate with love. 

The Bible reminds us that as we did it for one of these little ones, we did it for Jesus. What about the little ones who do it for other little ones? The story of Hayk reminds us that God uses little children to teach us the great stories of love God wants us to experience.

--Church of the Nazarene Eurasia Region




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