Former NPH, Headquarters employee killed in car accident

Former NPH, Headquarters employee killed in car accident

by | 07 Jul 2016
Donna and Bill Manning (Facebook photo)

Bill and Donna Manning were on their way to Sunday morning service at Kansas City First Church of the Nazarene July 3 when their car was hit by a pickup truck near the church. 

Donna, 69, died from her injuries and Bill remained in the hospital following surgery as of July 7. The pickup truck driver was also taken to the hospital and later released.

KCTV5 reported some church members recognized the Mannings' car and followed the ambulance, alerting the congregation to the situation.

"We were all informed at the same time and we had each other to talk to about it and comfort one another," KC First Church Senior Pastor Brad Estep told 41 Action News

The Mannings had been members of the church for decades, and Bill previously served as an associate pastor there. Donna and Bill, who were married for nearly 50 years, both worked at the Church of the Nazarene's International Headquarters and Nazarene Publishing House, her in the Children's Ministries department and he with adult Sunday school curriculum. Donna wrote and edited children's books and curriculum about missions.

Estep described the Mannings as “quiet, faithful, loving people” and “wonderful disciples of Jesus” in an interview with The Kansas City Star

After Estep's visit to the hospital on Monday, he said Bill was handling the news of his wife's death as well as could be expected. 

"I prayed with him," Estep said in a 41 Action News article. "He wanted everyone to know how grateful he was for their love and support."

Bill Manning is strengthened by his church family and his biological family – a son and daughter-in-law – who arrived Monday from California, according to KCTV5.

The crash is still under investigation. A witness told KCTV5 the pickup ran a red light.

Prayer is requested for the Manning and KC First Church families. More information will be posted as it is made available. 



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