Timothy Award Recipients
Brian Barrows
Year Awarded: 2001"Everything that he has given has been his love for teens. Brian is greatly responsible for building a loving atmosphere of community within the Eastern Michigan Quizzing program."
Amanda Midkiff
Year Awarded: 2001"With Amanda's belief in her church, but most of all for her belief in the almighty God, she is highly admired and recommended for the Timothy Award."
Russell Human
Year Awarded: 2001Quote not available.
David Shaw
Year Awarded: 2001"David's emphasis on service and relationships have significantly shaped not only youth ministry but overall ministry of GCN and the district."
Ronald Doolittle
Year Awarded: 2001Quote not available.
Tom Fraley
Year Awarded: 2001"Tom Fraley has been a diligent worker and example of Christian leadership on the NC District for many years. He loves the Lord and is a true servant."
Gary Klinger
Year Awarded: 2001Quote not available.
Bryan Davis
Year Awarded: 2001"Bryan's love for youth, his desire to see them come to know Jesus personally and to deepen their walk with Christ, make him an outstanding example to youth and adults alike."
Roger Zehr
Year Awarded: 2001"Roger has been a tremendous leader, but will take no credit. He instead builds others. He is passionate about seeing youth come to know God and use their gifts to serve Him."
Tom Black
Year Awarded: 2001Quote not available.
Beverly Cook
Year Awarded: 2001"Beverly has shown dedication to our youth group to stay, nurture and challenge them. As our Youth Pastor, she goes above and beyond in her service to our church."
W.C. Dishon
Year Awarded: 2001Quote not available.