Timothy Award Recipients
Jason McGehean
Year Awarded: 2013"Jay has a heart for outreach of teens needing relationship with God. He is a faithful follower of Christ and leading teenagers to faith in God."
Terry Koerner
Year Awarded: 2012"Terry has our youth very busy giving back to the church, by teaching them that their local church cannot exist without their involvement now and in the future."
Kevin Simons
Year Awarded: 2012"Kevin has been a tremendous leader and has a great heart for discipling kids. Countless people have ministered with Kevin could give testimony to his love for God and teens."
Kevin and Dawn Reardanz
Year Awarded: 2012"They are the youth leaders who are the first ones to arrive and the last ones to leave. Our students, pastors, church and community would not be the same were it not for the Reardanz."
Marcia Nikl
Year Awarded: 2012"Her love for the Lord shines bright in her life and she has been the hands and feet of Jesus. At every district event our youth gravitate toward Marcia."
Kenny Wade
Year Awarded: 2012"Kenny has a great spirit to serve others while growing in Christ. He helps those around him to question why they do what they do in ministry and he challenges them to intentional ministry."
James Heyward
Year Awarded: 2012"Pastor Heyward has provided outstanding service, sacrifice and personal commitment to Youth around the World and is frequently called upon by the Church of the Nazarene to represent NYI."
Joe Buxie
Year Awarded: 2012"Joe unselfishly devotes time to spend with quizzers and to quizmaster at tournaments across the country. His enthusiasm for quizzing is most evident in ties of sacrifice which he makes on a regular basis."
Ana Celia Martínez
Year Awarded: 2012"Ana Celia has served with excellence as a Regional NYI President. She invests in youth through evangelism and discipleship initiatives and is an example for the youth of our region."
Rudy Prescod
Year Awarded: 2012"Rudy has served NYI for more than 30 years from the local to the global levels of the church. As a youth leader he passionately equips and pastors young people."
Carol Fawcett
Year Awarded: 2012"Carol Fawcett is a committed Christian living in accordance with the Word of God. She has a great love for young people and desire to see them grow in Christ!"
Dwight Parrish Sr.
Year Awarded: 2012Quote not available.