Papua New Guinea nurses plant churches using JESUS film

Papua New Guinea nurses plant churches using JESUS film

Joy Forney for JESUS Film Harvest Partners
| 01 Apr 2021
PNG JFHP photo

Nazarene nurses in Papua New Guinea have helped carry the gospel to rural areas through the JESUS film, helping end the conflict between two warring tribes in the process. This approach is in large part thanks to the evangelistic training they receive through the Nazarene Nursing College in PNG.

Graduates from Nazarene Nursing College in Kudjip, Papua New Guinea, leave with not only a nursing degree but also a certificate of lay ministry. A student from one of the villages had fled the conflict and attended the school. The college’s dual focus on providing physical help and eternal hope inspired her to request a showing of the JESUS film in her village.

"[The college] intentionally trains its nurses to be ministers of the gospel,” said Jeff Myers, the Papua New Guinea JESUS film country coordinator. “Their hope and aim is that when these nurses go out [into the villages], they will be able to help start churches in remote areas."

After the JESUS film team led by one of the nurses showed the film in the village under turmoil, many of the tribesmen confessed their sins. They cried and experienced a joyful worship service as a united family of believers. The fighting stopped, and the community was at peace. The two tribes that once fought over land issues have continued this unity, offering a sizable section of their land to plant a new church.

Papua New Guinea has hundreds of diverse, largely isolated clans and societies, creating a great need and opportunity to share Christ.

"The bulk of people in rural areas are still in darkness embedded with superstitious beliefs and cultural ways [for lack of understanding] of the true living God. People need the gospel," said White Kintak, president of the Nazarene Nursing College in Papua New Guinea.

Kafoa Muaror, Melanesia field strategy coordinator, explained how "having a direct connection to a community is crucial" to evangelism in Southeast Asia. Many of the nursing college students are from rural areas or plan to work there, making their evangelism cross-training a powerful solution.

"When they go to these remote places, the community respects the holistic approach,” Muaror said. “These are nurses that are trained to help them with medical treatment, which every community needs, and they are part of a team that’s bringing a healing remedy in the spiritual sense—through Christ." 

These laypeople make waves as they share the Good News across Papua New Guinea. In the last eight years, they have helped to plant many “Preaching Points,” ultimately leading to the organization of nine healthy churches in some of the most remote parts of the country.

Kintak believes that the JESUS film has the unique ability to create a significant impact by reaching many people at one time.

"The JESUS film is a great evangelical tool to reach unreached areas,” Kintak said. “People are hearing and seeing the movie in their own language, which has a profound impact on the delivery of the gospel.”

According to Muaror, the impact is also immediate and simple. 

"Pastoral training is limited and time-intensive,” Muaror said.  “The JESUS film lays a biblical foundation for an entire community in a way that is powerful, accurate, clear, and direct. With each consecutive showing of the film, viewers understand more of the Good News."

To learn more about JESUS Film Harvest Partners and how to help, click here.




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