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Nazarenes meet to develop unified refugee response strategy

Brandon Sipes of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc. facilitated the meeting. The refugee situation that has brought more than a million displaced people to the shore of the European Union also brought together 11 Nazarene leaders from the Northern Europe and Central Europe fields April 1 in
26 Apr 2016
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Ministry of presence: Church continues refugee response in Balkans

Photos by Brandon Sipes As the war in Syria continues to destroy cities and as conditions in refugee camps in Jordan , Lebanon, and Turkey worsen, scores of refugees continue to make their way toward Europe. Just this year more than 135,000 refugees and migrants have traveled from Turkey to Europe
31 Mar 2016
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Nazarene church helps German town settle refugees

Many refugees headed for Europe come from cultures that place great value hospitality, so there could be no greater expression of love and welcome than the community hosting a big meal for their new neighbors. That’s exactly what happened 17 October when a network of churches and organizations in
02 Dec 2015
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From Germany to Nepal: M+Power volunteer helps rebuild following quake

At the beginning of September, Christian Bangert of Gelnhausen, Germany, left for a 3 and a half month assignment as an M+Power volunteer, working with the Nazarene church in Nepal. He is filling a support role for the Nepal leadership as they work on plans for helping people to rebuild after the
13 Oct 2015
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Croatia Nazarenes join refugee response

Hundreds of thousands of people leaving the Middle East have trudged across southeastern Europe for weeks, buffeted by the rapidly changing policies and politics of various European governments, as they try to make their way to Germany or Austria. Before 15 September, the refugees were initially
24 Sep 2015
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Eurasia Nazarenes assist during refugee crisis

For four years, the war in Syria has dragged on. For four years, people have hoped for peace, have lingered in their broken cities, have hung on in spite of reality, but the peace has not come. Instead, new crises have erupted — foremost, the threatening advance of ISIS. As thousands of people fled
11 Sep 2015
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Church ministers to refugees stranded in Hungary

This summer, hundreds of thousands of people have fled to Europe to escape violence in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Many authorities are describing it as the worst refugee crisis since World War II. In the past few days, the Keleti train station in Budapest, Hungary, has become a focal point of the
04 Sep 2015
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M+Power: God’s missional call reverberates from Alps to Himalayas

"This is the Church in Eurasia believing that God’s missional call is reverberating from the Alps to the Himalayas, and it is unprecedented." There is a place tucked into the arms of the Rhein River, a tiny place with a German name that has been preparing and sending Nazarene young people into the
19 Jun 2015
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Christmas parcels: A token of love in Romania

Sighisoara, Romania — Eurasia Communications recently received the following update from Dorli Gschwandtner of Helping Hands Germany (Nazarene Compassionate Ministries): "Thank you so much for this Christmas parcel — but thank you even more for you!" Juliana, sitting on the edge of her bed in her
06 Jan 2015
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Eurasia Region Banner

Eurasia fields reorganized, new leaders named

During annual meetings in Northern Ireland in April, leaders in the Eurasia Region proposed the realignment of several fields as a response to increasingly demanding staff workloads, leadership changes, and missiological developments. The changes also are a response to a significant drop in the
18 May 2011
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In Memoriam

In Memoriam: 28 March 2025

27 Mar 2025
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Paraguay Youth Camp

Paraguay youth encouraged to run to God's…

27 Mar 2025
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Wes Tracy

Remembering Wesley Tracy

27 Mar 2025
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Korea NYI returns to Thailand for missions…

27 Mar 2025
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