Timothy Award Recipients
Mark Carter
Year Awarded: 2001"Mark has memorized a large portion of the New Testament and helps the Word become flesh by living out New Testament Christianity for the benefit of others, especially teens."
Faith McLeish
Year Awarded: 2001"Faith exemplifies the mature Christian who points the way to Christ by the example of a Godly life and genuine interest in the spiritual well being of young people."
George Simmons
Year Awarded: 2001Quote not available.
Bill Sunberg
Year Awarded: 2001Quote not available.
Sheridan Lehman
Year Awarded: 2001Quote not available.
Mike Vallangeon
Year Awarded: 2001Quote not available.
Bruce Oldham
Year Awarded: 2001"Bruce has been instrumental in developing resources to help the local NYI organize effectively. His ministry also includes serving as the 16th General NYI President from 1996-2001."
Harold and Linda McCoy
Year Awarded: 2001Quote not available.
Brian and Lydia Billington
Year Awarded: 2001"Brian and Lydia have been dedicated in the best of times and the worst of times. They have been the consistency in leadership that our teens have needed through the years."
Keith and Kathy Hatton
Year Awarded: 2001"Keith and Kathy have given so much of themselves to our youth ministry here at Trevecca Community. They have sacrificed daily in building God's kingdom through youth ministry."
Janice Laster
Year Awarded: 2001Quote not available.
Gary Jakes
Year Awarded: 2001Quote not available.