Timothy Award Recipients
Thad Haynes
Year Awarded: 2007"Thad has served 7 years at Collinsville and we have grown to love and appreciate their church family. He and Katie are excited about what God has in store for their new ministry."
Bill Bock
Year Awarded: 2007"Bill exhibits a true servant's heart and has a heart to reach teens for Christ. He models and encourages youth to follow Christ not for a moment but for a lifetime."
Tina Nelson
Year Awarded: 2007"Tina has served through six different youth presidents, providing a stability and continuity to the district leadership team for fifteen years."
Myron Gulley
Year Awarded: 2007"The result of Myron's commitment is that there are young men and women across the country who are leaders in their churches and communities because of the model they had in Myron."
Tim Hildreth
Year Awarded: 2007"Tim's clear and contagious love for the Lord and his love for the students of this district, are a model to students and adults alike of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus."
Claude Ledbetter
Year Awarded: 2007"Claude has served faithfully for many years and has continually devoted himself and the resources of his church to the nurturing and growth of adolescents."
Anita Herren
Year Awarded: 2007"Anita represents the type of layperson that goes above and beyond the normal call of duty. She has helped young people to find relationship with God, and continued to disciple them on the way."
Dan and Sherry Again
Year Awarded: 2007"Dan and Sherry have participated in all areas of student ministries from small group leader, to fall and winter retreats and camps, to serving on the Indianapolis District NYI Council to NYC sponsors."
Kelley Lovelace
Year Awarded: 2007"Kelley has served as a faithful pastor to not only this congregation but also to the Kansas City District NYI. Kelley has embodied the kind of long-term covenant love God offers."
Roger Mitchell
Year Awarded: 2007"No one deserve this award more than Roger Mitchell. He has such a burden for teens and what they are going through comes out of him loud and clear."
Lonnie Grant
Year Awarded: 2007"Lonnie's has faithfully served for 4 years as our NYI President and was the outgoing NYI president for our district at convention."
Joe Bob and Tammy Brown
Year Awarded: 2007"After being asked to serve in the student ministry by their first youth pastor, Joe Bob and Tammy Brown have been a vital part of student ministries over the past 12 years."