Global praise reports and prayer requests

Global praise reports and prayer requests

by | 23 Mar 2016

Recent praise reports and prayer requests from NCN News, Nazarene Missions International, and JESUS Film Harvest Partners include:


JESUS Film - Nepal

"She preserved her faith inwardly," said a team member in Nepal. "Nara was happy to meet followers of Christ. She was a believer for 15 years but had no fellowship with others because of oppression from her husband. He was a heavy drinker and died a few months ago. Even though he was no longer alive, she feared going to church. Our visit encouraged her to embrace the freedom she had in Christ. She is now attending church and her children are with her.

JESUS Film - Pakistan

"I had no peace in life," said Pervaiz in Pakistan. "I had borrowed money, but was unable to pay it back. When I saw the JESUS Film, I felt so much hope. Jesus loves me, and He can help give me peace!"



Eurasia attacks

More than 30 people were killed Tuesday in Brussels, Belgium, at the international airport and a subway station with more than 250 people injured. The Church of the Nazarene does not have any active work in Brussels.  Earlier, five people were killed Saturday in an attack at a shopping area in Istanbul, Turkey. 



Reuben Glendenning

Reuben Glendenning, the son of missionaries Martin and Cezi, was badly burned and rushed to the hospital this month. After a second cleaning, Martin posted the following on Facebook:

“They said he would not need any surgery or 'cleanings' that require anesthesia. We still have to keep a close eye on it, and there will be several trips to the hospital ahead for them to change bandages and check its progress, but we are grateful. The report was as good as it could have been, given the circumstances. The doctor even said that the skin color should even go back to normal in six months, so no permanent scarring is expected.”

The Glendennings are missionaries on the Eurasia Region.

Sylvia Potter

Sylvia “Sylvie” Potter came through surgery to close two holes in her heart March 8. While there are still some concerns the family would like to discuss with doctors but for now everyone is happy with how well the operation went.

Two sets of Sylvie’s grandparents are Nazarene missionaries — Jim and Kathy Radcliff, who serve in Papua New Guinea, and David and Sylvia Potter, who serve in Vanuatu.

Audrey Riggins

Toddler Audrey Riggins is doing well following a heart procedure. Her father, missionary Scot Riggins, says, "You can let everyone know that Audrey came through the procedure fine and is doing well. Thank you all for your prayers.” The Riggins family serves in the Philippines.

Lindsay Sidle

Lindsay Sidle came through surgery successfully. She planned to start back to classes at Mount Vernon Nazarene University in Ohio, USA, March 14. Lindsay is the daughter of Gary and Penney Sidle, missionaries to Zambia. 



For more global concerns and continued requests, see the NMI Prayer Mobilization Line by clicking here or JESUS Film Harvest Partners by clicking here. To share additional praises or prayer requests, please use the comment section below or see the Prayer Mobilization Line's Facebook page.




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