Agricultural training provides food security in Burundi

Agricultural training provides food security in Burundi

Church of the Nazarene Africa Region
| 05 Feb 2024
Burundi Farmer

After Jackson* lost his mother, he was left with his alcoholic father, who took another wife who wanted nothing to do with Jackson. He left his father’s house and lived on the streets, doing odd jobs but never receiving regular income. Eventually, Jackson got a farming job, receiving food and money as payment.

While working on the farm, Jackson met someone who told him about an agricultural training being hosted by Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) Burundi. This training would equip him to become an independent farmer. So Jackson registered to join the group and began learning agricultural techniques. This project came at the right time, as Jackson learned many lessons he did not know. Soon, he would harvest his own corn.

Jackson joined the Integrated Food Security and Resilience (IFSR) Project training in September 2022. With his small plot of land, he could increase production by using these new and innovative farming techniques he learned that conserved land and water and restored nutrients to the soil. As he implemented these new methods, Jackson became more interested in growing his knowledge and skills as a farmer.

After Jackson had a successful season of planting and harvesting, one of his neighbors who observed the change in Jackson's life asked him to show them how to participate in the NCM agricultural training.

When Jackson harvests his crops, he sells them and uses part of the profit to provide for his family. Jackson no longer struggles to pay his children’s school fees, medical expenses, or other household needs. 

Jackson is now growing quality vegetable seedlings and has purchased a goat with the money he made from the harvest last season. With his knowledge and experience, he plans to start selling seedlings to cooperatives and other farmers.

“I grew up a disheartened child, but now I feel joy, and I see myself differently now,” Jackson said. “My future looks much brighter. I am very thankful to God for saving my life by bringing his gospel to Burundi.”

The work of the Church of the Nazarene in this rural community is making a difference.

--Church of the Nazarene Africa Region
* Full name omitted for privacy



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