Ukraine church celebrates God's faithfulness amid dark times

Ukraine church celebrates God's faithfulness amid dark times

Euraisia Region Church of the Nazarene
| 23 Jun 2022
Fields of Ukraine

A sunflower field in Ukraine meets the sky to resemble the country's flag.

In Ukraine, as millions of people have had their lives turned upside down by war, some have asked the questions of “Where is God in all of this? Why is he silent?” Pastor Davide from the Eurasia North Field shares how the Lord has been faithful to the people of Ukraine amid the violence and destruction that has become their reality. 

In the face of such tragedy, the story that I want to share with you comes from a city in south Ukraine where we have Nazarene work. I cannot be precise in order to respect the pastor’s desire to remain anonymous. 

You need to know that the Church of the Nazarene is ministering to thousands of people that have been displaced by the war in Ukraine, both inside the country and outside. 

Many people have left, but many more have stayed. In the last couple of months, numerous people have sought refuge in this city which has so far mostly been spared by attacks by the Russian army. 

There are lots of broken, traumatized people, many of them non-believers. So many of them have lived with the pastor in his house. Others have stayed or are staying in one of our rehab centers in a town nearby.

The church in this city has continued to gather for daily prayer meetings through Zoom and weekly worship gatherings on Sunday. They have been asking God daily to put an end to this war. They’ve been asking for protection. They have been asking for courage and for strength, to be faithful witnesses even in the face of such evil and peril. 

I checked on them regularly and this is what I learned. On Palm Sunday, 17 people came to faith in Christ. On Easter Sunday, another 10 people came to faith in Christ, and altogether they report about 50 people came to faith in Christ since the beginning of this conflict. 

I know that many of you have been praying and have been actively seeking ways to help. I want you to know that the impact of your prayers and other support is visible. 

This is just one of many stories that will be told as time goes by. All of our pastors and leaders continue to be faithful, continue to serve, and continue to bring comfort and hope. Because the light shines in the darkness, the darkness has not overcome it. 

--Church of the Nazarene Eurasia.




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