NTS Southern Cone enters educational agreement with Salvation Army

NTS Southern Cone enters educational agreement with Salvation Army

Church of the Nazarene South America
| 24 Jan 2020
South Cone/Salvation Army Agreement

Nazarene Theological Seminary Southern Cone and the Salvation Army Eastern Territory of South America established an educational agreement for the theological formation of Salvationist ministers in the countries of Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina.  

With this agreement, Salvation Army ministers who have completed their studies at the Cadet School of Argentina will be able to continue their ministerial training through higher academic degrees offered by NTS Southern Cone.

Alex Nesterenko, territorial chief of the Eastern Territory of South America of the Salvation Army, and Jorge L. Julca, rector of NTS Southern Cone, signed this strategic alliance between both institutions. 

"It brings me joy to be part of this historical moment in the life of the Nazarene Theological Seminary of the South Cone," Julca said. “For NTS of the Southern Cone, this strategic alliance will consolidate our relations with the Salvation Army, enrich our educational experience, enhance the strengths of both parties, and expand our service to the Kingdom of God.” 

The Church of the Nazarene and the Salvation Army share Wesleyan roots, especially an emphasis on spreading the doctrine of Christian holiness. Through this agreement, fraternal relations will be strengthened and educational, technological, and staff resources will be enhanced in favor of excellent theological education in this area of the world. 

--Church of the Nazarene South America




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