Mesoamerica pastors provide support following Cuba plane crash

Mesoamerica pastors provide support following Cuba plane crash

by | 14 Jun 2018

A group of pastors from across the Mesoamerica Region recently traveled to Cuba to provide support following the plane crash that killed 10 pastoral couples. Dhariana Balbuena, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries coordinator for the Mesoamerica Region, shared her experience during this time.

We give glory to God for the miracles that are happening in the midst of the loss experienced by our brothers and sisters due to the plane crash.

During our visit, along with other regional leaders, I was able to experience God’s mercy through the stories shared during the burial service of one of the deceased in the plane crash. Sister Maria Salome was a servant of God. She was also a civil engineer, and with her training she was able to help many Cuban people. Many people testified of having been helped by Sister Maria.

It was wonderful to hear that 37 people received Christ during one of the funeral services and many more also received Christ in other life celebration services afterwards.

The mother of one of the deceased pastors came to Christ during his funeral service, which was held in the same church he used to pastor.

We are very grateful for the solidarity of our brothers and sisters from the Mesoamerica Region and the global church for their prayers, financial support, and for the encouraging words that have been a blessing to the orphans and family members of the deceased.

May God glorify Himself in the midst of pain and may his love transcend in the midst of the affliction.

--Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica




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