What We're Here For
By Jeff Spangler, Global NDI Administrative Director | 11 Mar 2025
Have you ever found yourself asking, “What am I doing here?” I hope I’m not the only one! I asked that question when I was in the Army every time I was about to jump out of a perfectly good airplane – “What am I doing?!” There were a few days when I was doing a solo hike of the Appalachian Trail that I asked that same question, “What am I doing?!” I’ve also been in meetings when I’ve asked that question, sometimes out loud, “What are we doing here?” Maybe another way of asking the question is “What’s the point?” It’s important to slow down every so often and remember the big picture: what is it that we’re here to accomplish? The answer to that question should help us evaluate our priorities. “How does this thing (program/activity) help us accomplish that thing we’re here to do?”
In the life and ministry of Jesus, that thing was the cross. Sure, there are many important things that Jesus did and commanded. But if Jesus never went to the cross and made that once and for all atonement for the sins of the world, where would we be? The cross was like a giant magnet in Jesus’ ministry, pulling him forward. Jesus tried to prepare the disciples for this critical and heartbreaking climax of his ministry, but they would not accept it. Luke 9:51 tells us that Jesus “resolutely” set out for Jerusalem and the cross. It’s what he was here for. This is the heart of the Gospel, the good news for the entire world – you can be forgiven and reconciled with God.
Not only do we celebrate the atonement on Holy Week (Good Friday), but we also celebrate the life changing hope of Easter, Jesus is risen! The cross was a necessary path for the resurrection: you can’t have one without the other. And he is the first fruit, the promise and guarantee of every believer’s future bodily resurrection. Not only can we be forgiven of our sins and be reconciled with God, but we can also have victory over the grave! (1 Corinthians 15) As the song says, it’s not just good news, it’s the “best news ever!” The cross is the point of it all, the reason why he came. So, what are we here for? Simply to spread the word. We are believers in Jesus and what he did, and we are living out our faith in obedience to Jesus’ commands as his followers. Then we are about sharing this good news with others; including them, baptizing them into the faith, and teaching them to obey Jesus’ commands by both our word and deed (Matthew 28:19-20).
Easter, it’s what we’re here for. Don’t miss the point!