“We never knew that Nazarene Educators Worldwide existed”
By Nazarene Educators Worldwide, | 12 Jul 2023

Nazarene Educators Worldwide (NEW) was visible and active in numerous ways at General Assembly 2023. This General Assembly provided the NEW Council the opportunity to clarify the mission and purpose of this specialized ministry for educators.
The Mission
The mission of NEW is to provide a network of fellowship and professional enrichment to educators associated with the Church of the Nazarene globally. NEW welcomes Nazarene educators from Christian schools, public schools, home schools, early childhood/preschools, college/universities, as well as college students majoring in education. NEW also welcomes retired educators.
Onsite Resourcing
Visitors had a great time at the exhibit for NEW, connecting with hundreds of Nazarene educators including teachers, administrators, professors, and students from all over the world. NEW leaders also were able to visit with pastors, church members, and board members who have schools, as well as educators who would benefit from involvement with NEW. They were able to provide some guidance and resources for those who were interested in starting a Christian school. It should be noted that while they were able to provide helpful information and signed up many to be a part of NEW’s mailing list, the exhibit’s chocolate candy dish was extremely popular!
On Friday afternoon, NEW hosted a workshop/gathering of NEW members, including anyone interested in learning more about NEW. The turnout was great, and a presentation was made on the history and focus of NEW. Participants were able to connect and get to know each other with a couple of fun icebreakers. Then there were breakout groups of the various represented groups (i.e. public school, Christian school, etc.) led by council members to discuss needs and share ideas. The workshop wrapped up the fun, informative time with a couple of door prizes and prayer.
An Open Invitation to Learn More
A comment heard numerous times was, “We never knew that Nazarene Educators Worldwide existed,” even though NEW has been around since 1984. As a result of NEW’s representation at General Assembly, we hope that the statement “We never knew that Nazarene Educators Worldwide existed” will rarely be said again.
If you are interested in learning more about NEW or getting involved with NEW, please email Marilyn Dominick, NEW president, at mjdominick77@gmail.com.