Rev. Susan Booth Elected as NDI General Board Representative
By Nazarene Discipleship International, | 13 Sep 2023

Rev. Susan Booth, one of six nominees, was elected by the NDI Global Council to serve as the NDI representative on the General Board of the Church of the Nazarene.
Susan currently serves as the NDI coordinator on the Africa South Field, which includes 26 districts and 5 countries. Susan holds a degree in theology and was ordained in 2017.
The NDI Global Council was very impressed by the testimony of her spiritual journey.
I grew up in a house where my stepdad was an alcoholic and also very abusive, and I prayed for God to change my circumstances. My circumstances did not change, but as a 12-year-old I experienced the love of God through a Sunday school teacher who reached out to me. I accepted Jesus as my Saviour and was baptized in the same year. I experienced God’s hand at work in and through my circumstances and knew that I was not alone. In 1997, I attended a retreat for leaders in the church, and it was then when I read the Scripture from Isaiah 61:1-4 [that] I felt God’s call to full time ministry.
Susan has a strong passion for discipleship. She believes that discipleship has to be intentional. It may be both informal (doing life together) and formal (teaching and equipping people). Her method of discipleship is to first build relationships with people of all ages. This includes loving them as they are and responding to the brokenness they are experiencing.
Susan lives out her passion for discipleship by organizing annual children’s festivals. The goal is to share the gospel with children ages 5-11. During the five-day festival, a team of about 100 volunteers minister to 800-1,000 children who attend.
Susan’s ministry passion is also evidenced in the support groups she facilitates for those caught in addiction, grief, and abuse. She has found that when people bring their brokenness to God and experience His healing power, they are anxious to share their new-found freedom with others.
The Nazarene Discipleship International Global Council is thankful for Susan’s dedicated ministry and is looking forward to ministering together in the years ahead.