Timothy Award Recipients
Lisa Jones
Year Awarded: 2016"Lisa has been a strong presence not only in her own church by serving in the NYI but on our District."
Paul Bunsee
Year Awarded: 2016"Paul has always gone out of his way to help youth. He continually gives of his time, money, and emotional support to help them whenever they are in need."
Scott Armstrong
Year Awarded: 2016"Scott has a great passion for working with, serving, and mentoring our youth. He has helped many young leaders answer their calling to cross-cultural ministry."
Milton Gay Valencia
Year Awarded: 2016Milton has served faithfully for more than 13 years and his influence and passion for youth have helped a generation define their calling as pastors and leaders in the church.
Allan Krebs
Year Awarded: 2016"Anyone who has been around Allan can immediately see his compassion and love for the youth and people in general. He is always ready to listen and pray with those in need."
Verne Haskell
Year Awarded: 2016"People frequently reach out to Verne years later and thank him for having brought them to Christ or been there for them when they needed him."
Christina Fischer
Year Awarded: 2016"Christina has been a constant source of support for any person that has asked for it. She lets teenagers know there are people that genuinely care for and love them."
Virgil Peck
Year Awarded: 2016"Virgil has been a major spiritual influence in the lives of students and teens on the Iowa and Joplin Districts. He is truly an example of a life invested."
Kale and Brenda Woods
Year Awarded: 2016"Kale and Brenda have been making Bible Quizzing "go" in a variety of ways for quite some time and have made a positive difference in the lives of the many teens they have mentored."
Wendy Parker
Year Awarded: 2016"Wendy is always seems to find the time and energy to lead a group, drive a teen home, council with teens and parents, or mix it up with a youth group game."
Mike Brown
Year Awarded: 2016"Mike Brown is always willing to do what he can to help anybody to reach their full potential in their ministry, building the kingdom, and personal walk with Christ."
Rodney and Mary Mason
Year Awarded: 2016"Mary and Rodney have a love for Christ and a love for the teens of West Virginia North few can match."