Timothy Award Recipients
David Gooding
Year Awarded: 2017"David has been an asset to the Joplin District NYI. His is a life invested and it is with total support and appreciation that we recognize him."
Russell Branstetter
Year Awarded: 2017"Dr. Branstetter has, since his arrival as District Superintendent, supported youth in every way imaginable. He is an encourager and staunch supporter of youth and youth leaders."
Joshua Howard
Year Awarded: 2017"Josh has an unwavering passion to see youth know Christ and to submit himself to the calling that would allow him to serve God toward that end."
Michael Toolen, Jr.
Year Awarded: 2017"Michael's passion, love, care, and down right childlike heart has drawn countless students from our church and community into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ."
Dale Dutton
Year Awarded: 2017"Dale has led teens to Christ and has discipled countless teens deeper in their relationship with Christ. He has been an amazing leader, church person, counselor and friend of everyone at Westside."
Adrian Mills
Year Awarded: 2017"Adrian is very in touch with the youth of today and what it takes to reach them and it is evident that his heartbeat is to see the lost won to Christ."
Jason and Amanda Riggle
Year Awarded: 2017"The undying encouragement of Jason and Amanda for not only students but fellow youth workers has been instrumental in creating the great network we have across our district."
Stephen Ward
Year Awarded: 2017"As District Superintendent, Pastor Steve has made a point of encouraging students and participating in teen events as much as he is able. He has been an inspiration to our young people."
Jacob Urri
Year Awarded: 2017Jacob was so instrumental to the movement of the NYI Ministry in Papua New Guinea, Melanesia South Pacific field, and the Asia-Pacific Region. The movement that is very vibrant now is from the seeds of his hard work.
Ruth Weber
Year Awarded: 2017"Ruth has faithfully served for over 36 years, and continues to serve still today. She is a joy and everyone benefits from her kind and gentle nature."
Shari Ritchey
Year Awarded: 2017"Shari does not serve for the credit or the recognition but simply because her love for Christ is greater then the sacrifice that is being made. She is a pillar to the youth department."
Adiel Teixeira
Year Awarded: 2017"Over these nearly 11 years Adiel has done an excellent job with the district NYI. God has honored his life greatly and he has been an example for all of us."