Love Your Neighbor blesses multiple Cuba communities 

Love Your Neighbor blesses multiple Cuba communities 

Nazarene News Staff
| 13 Jul 2023

The Love Your Neighbor missions project was held in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, and 16 additional countries around the world in conjunction with the 30th General Assembly and Conventions. Over 1,500 participants made a significant impact in the lives of thousands more. The following is a testimony of what Love Your Neighbor accomplished in Cuba.

Hello, my name is Leidy Lami, and I belong to the Western District of Cuba. It is a joy to work as the Missions Mobilization Coordinator for my district. For my family and me, missions has been our passion ever since [God] called us to serve him. By the grace of God, “Love Your Neighbor” impacted many people in five cities in our country. These are some of the testimonies of victory:

Consolación del Sur Church, Pinar del Río

The biggest strategy in this site was to motivate and involve the women in the community to utilize their sewing talents. In the planning and organization of the event, they took the lead and offered their skills to the church. It allowed us to create connections in the community and present the plan of salvation. Several women made decisions for Christ.

Jagüey Church, Pinar del Río

Our chaplaincy ministry visited the nursing home and worked with those with disabilities. When they received visits from the church, they were encouraged because they felt important and useful to God despite their limitations. We provided food for the elderly, and we guided those with disabilities in an artistic activity where they were able to worship the King of kings and Lord of lords with great joy.

Baracoa Beach, Havana

A group of people evangelized in the streets, praying for the sick and distributing the magazine “Esperanza” (Hope). This magazine seeks to introduce biblical texts (with Cuban landscapes) into the home of anyone who is receptive to the gospel. Many people opened their hearts and received God’s healing.

Aguada de los Pasajeros, Cienfuegos

The Lord allowed us to plant this church a long time ago. Here we took the initiative to invite people from the community to a meal, and we enjoyed a time where we talked about the unconditional love of Jesus. 

Some seamstresses designed patchwork rugs and made potholders for kitchens. All who attended felt grateful and moved by this gesture, and from that day on they have begun to participate in our church services and activities.

Los Obreros, Cienfuegos

My 19-year-old daughter has been working in the streets of this community where we have a mission established. The children from our Bible class distributed tracts to everyone in the community. The main objective was to prepare these little ones to be future missionaries. 

The next day we met to work with children from another sector, who come from dysfunctional families. There we produced a show of clowns, lessons, and moments of praise and celebration. We also distributed medicines, visited the sick, and prayed for them.

I want to emphasize that despite the harsh conditions in which our country finds itself, the Lord has revealed Himself in a special way. He provided the necessary resources to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and even used unsaved people to carry out His plans and purposes. 

I give thanks to the Lord for all the people who were willing to give and participate in this project. Through Love Your Neighbor, we were able to bless more than 230 people in our country. 

My prayer is that Jesus Christ continues to be proclaimed in Cuba because I know that there are willing missionaries, and they will continue to serve with and out of love for Jesus and their neighbor.

This testimony previously appeared in Transform the Globe, a missions-focused blog by Scott Armstrong. To read the original story, click here.




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