Alcimar Santos appointed superintendentof Rio Grande do Norte District

Alcimar Santos appointed superintendentof Rio Grande do Norte District

Church of the Nazarene South America
| 20 Apr 2023
Alcimar Prayer

Alcimar Santos was appointed superintendent of the Rio Grande do Norte District in Brazil in March.

The appointment was made by General Superintendent Fili Chambo in consultation with the Rio Grande do Norte District Advisory Committee, South America Regional Director Christian Sarmiento, and the Board of General Superintendents.
Santos has been the pastor of Igreja do Nazareno da Zona Sul (also known as NAZASUL) since 2002 and was ordained as a minister in the Church of the Nazarene in 1995. He replaces Gerson Pinto Cardoso as superintendent after more than two decades of leadership.

In 23 years of Cardoso’s leadership, dozens of churches were planted, pastors were trained, and they celebrated the opening of a new district.

“With immense privilege, I pass the ‘baton’ to our dear brother, Alcimar Santos, who was nominated as district superintendent and will certainly do a beautiful job in district leadership,” Cardoso said. “[I give] my gratitude to all pastors and leaders who serve with dedication and love in our region, to God for the Church of the Nazarene of Lagoa Nova for their support over these years, and my beloved wife, Ana, for all her support."

During the District Assembly, the transition was marked with a challenge to continue the work the district had been doing and a time of prayer for Santos led by Manuel Lima, national director for the Church of the Nazarene in Brazil.

--Church of the Nazarene South America



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