Twenty people baptized at Venezuela church

Twenty people baptized at Venezuela church

Nazarene News Staff
| 25 Jul 2023
Venezuela Baptisms

The Andrés Bello Church of the Nazarene of the Venezuela Llanos District celebrated the baptism of 20 new members in May. These people successfully completed the discipleship classes, went down to the waters, and agreed to follow Jesus.

“For me it has been a great privilege, a great joy,” said Silvestre Paredes, one of those who were baptized. “I thank God, my brothers, the and pastors who were with us this day. I will follow this path until the end of my life.”

In the midst of this time of praise, thanksgiving, and preaching, each person was able to have time in communion with God to express gratitude and commitment to the Christian life.
Paredes says he lived a messy life before Christ, drinking and smoking whenever the weekends arrived.

“But since I met the Lord, my life changed,” Paredes said. “No longer [do] liquor, cigarettes or parties fill my life. Now, my life belongs to Him, and baptism has been a testimony to all those who saw who I was [before] and how God transforms lives. I can say that I am a new man.”

Ada Vasquez, a woman who was baptized, thanked the congregation for being there to help bear witness to the group’s profession of faith.

“I am very thankful because Lord Jesus Christ has been very good to me,” Vasquez said. “He is in every step I am taking, and He grants the miracles I ask Him for.”

--Church of the Nazarene South America Region




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