Young people put training into practice in Dominican Republic

Young people put training into practice in Dominican Republic

by | 13 Aug 2015

Nine young people from Mexico, Costa Rica, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic recently participated in a 4x4 All Terrain event. The program began in January 2010 on the former Mexico North Field so young people could put their training into practice after attending a cross-cultural orientation. Participants focus on strengthening existing churches, new church plants, and new missions.

The event was held at the Arismar Church of the Nazarene. Young people performed various activities to impact the community, and as a result 22 people accepted Jesus, 11 began discipleship, and 132 children were reached in a Vacation Bible School.

Participants shared their stories:

“One sunny day we went out to visit. The temperature was high and after an hour I wanted to go home because we had walked a lot. However, at the end of the street a lady invited me into her house; the group was ahead and I was alone. A bit afraid, I walked into the house and suddenly while I was sharing the message of love, a heated argument between her and her husband began. I did not know what to do. However, God gave me wisdom and after a few minutes, both of them were there listening and at the end, the lady prayed with me as tears ran down her eyes. I thank God because He took me to the home to carry the message of the true love of Christ and bring hope to these families.“ -- Sonia Malvaez, Toluca, Mexico.

“During one of the afternoons, we went out to evangelize. We did not want to get lost, so the local girl suggested we return down the same street, but I insisted that we go to the end of the alley because there we would find a blessing. I shared with several people near the end of the street; two ladies were willing to listen to my message with the EvangeCube. At the end, when I was about to pray for them, one of them called a neighbor with problems on his leg so we could pray for him also. I prayed. At the end, when I opened my eyes, there were eight people around me and the man told me that his leg felt better and it no longer hurt. There was definitely a blessing at the end of the alley." -- Esteban Alcantara, Dominican Republic

“I went out to evangelize Thursday morning and found three young people … I talked to them, and although they did not accept Jesus, they told me to come back on Saturday and we did. That Saturday, there was a slightly larger group. I shared a reflection and prayed with them. We also invited them to the youth service that evening. To our blessing, they came to worship and the preacher shared his testimony and at the end made the invitation to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. The three of them came forward! We prayed with them, visited them, and hope they can now start their discipleship. Praise God, we are His instruments!" -- José Miguel Ramirez, Dominican Republic

--Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica Region



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