Project Paul expands to eastern Mexico
A group of volunteer missionaries came together 4 February to 11 March on the fives zones of the Mexico East District to participate in Project Paul.
During the event, they shared the message of salvation to the people in their zones and discipled new Christians. A total of 349 people received Christ as Savior, and 171 of them began receiving discipleship.
The East District has now started nine new missions while 17 churches and nine existing missions receive support.
"We praise the Lord for all the results and for the participating brothers as local missionaries," said District Superintendent Joaquín Ocaña Esquipulas. "We pray to God to help us take care of this abundant harvest, and that He allows this revival that has begun to become our way of life."
The five areas that make up the eastern district are Cancún Quinta Roo, Maya de Yucatán, Campeche, Ticul de Yucatán, and Mérida Yucatán.