Malawi churches pool resources to support flood victims

Malawi churches pool resources to support flood victims

by | 19 Feb 2015

In Malawi, where flooding has killed 104 people and displaced more than 230,000 others*, Nazarene churches are pulling together their resources to support members in need.

A Nazarene Compassionate Ministries team recently visited hard-hit areas in southern Malawi to distribute food and supplies and encourage churches.

During their visit, NCM country coordinators Wellington Obotte and Alex Mkandawire urged churches not to wait for international aid, but to take action and use what they had to help each other.

Moved by this message, members of the Nsanje Church of the Nazarene raised 7,000 Malawi Kwacha (roughly $16 U.S. dollars), and about a dozen people donated clothing, Mkandawire said. The church used these collections to support Martha Jeke, a widow and mother of four who lost her crops in the flood, according to Malawi Lower Shire District Superintendent Gershom Kwerakwera.

The church also gave items — such as clothing, plates, cups, and flour — to individuals at the Mota Camp, where more than 2,000 flood victims are living.

"The assistance was not enough, but philosophers once said, 'A piece of bread is better than none!'" Kwerakwera said. "Those who received these items were very happy ... I am very glad that our people [are] able to assist each other during hard times like this in response to the word of God."

The Lizulu Church of the Nazarene also rallied to help, raising 10,000 Malawi Kwacha (about $23 U.S. dollars) and donating a new jacket, Mkandawire said. The funds were used to buy three cartons of soap for pastors and the jacket was given to a district superintendent, all of whom have been severely affected by the flooding.

"We were really thrilled and impressed by the kind gesture," Mkandawire said.

With the help of local pastors, the NCM team identified 500 families in need of aid. During a recent distribution trip, the team was able to reach 418 of those families and give them each a blanket, some cooking oil, some dried fish, and about a week's supply of flour, Mkandawire said in a report.

Another distribution trip is planned to reach the other 82 families, who were on the other side of the River Shire and could not be reached during the first trip.

The food won't last the families long, Mkandawire said, and flour and beans are scarce. 

The team traveled to several places in southern Malawi where they saw an immense need for food, shelter, and supplies. Those who received items from NCM lined up peacefully and were extremely grateful, Mkandawire said.

"In all these places, there was peace and jubilation and praises to God and the church," he said. "According to Rev. Kwerakwera, the distribution has revived his churches and the district."

Mkandawire thanked supporters who have prayed for victims and given financially.

"Once again I thank the church for showing oneness and compassion to the needy," he said. "Continue praying for us. We still have many needs. ... The situation is really bad for our friends."

Shelter is the greatest need, he said. Victims also need mosquito nets, as the flooding increases their risk of malaria.

The crisis requires long-term plans for relief work, Mkandawire said. In Nsanje, for example, the farms and crops have been destroyed, which will affect food supplies for months to come.

NCM is also providing aid in Mozambique, where 50,000 people had to flee their homes because of the flooding and 3,600 cases of malaria have been reported at relief centers.*

How to help

Donations can be made online through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries by clicking here.

To send donations by mail, make checks payable to "General Treasurer" and send them to:

Global Treasury Services
Church of the Nazarene
P.O. Box 843116
Kansas City, MO 64184-3116

Be sure to put 124459 in the Memo area.

In Canada, make checks payable to "Church of the Nazarene Canada" and send them to:

Church of the Nazarene Canada
20 Regan Road, Unit 9
Brampton, Ontario L7A 1C3

Be sure to put 124459 in the Memo area.
--Church of the Nazarene Africa Region via Out of Africa

*Statistics from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Related (from January): "Deadly floods overwhelm churches, communities in Malawi"



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