GA Business Highlights: Day two

GA Business Highlights: Day two

Nazarene News Staff
| 13 Jun 2023
Business News

Business meetings of the 30th General Assembly and Conventions continued on Tuesday. Here are some highlights of the legislative results:

  • Conducted six additional rounds of voting to elect the 44th general superintendent. On the day’s final ballot (Ballot #11), the top five vote recipients were T. Scott Daniels: 314, Christian Sarmiento: 212, Deirdre Brower Latz: 107, Scott Rainey: 73, and Min-Gyoo Shin: 61.
  • Referred two resolutions to the Board of General Superintendents that would add language rejecting capital punishment to the sanctity of human life statement and the Manual appendix (CA-702, 702a).
  • Suspended discussions of a resolution to change Manual ¶31 on Human Sexuality and Marriage, pending translation of the amendments made by the Christian Action Committee (CA-705).
  • Rejected a resolution that would change Article of Faith 6 on Atonement (JUD-800). The proposed change received a majority of votes but failed to reach a two-thirds majority.
  • Rejected a resolution that would change Article of Faith 10 on Christian Holiness and Entire Sanctification (JUD-801). The proposed change received a majority of votes but failed to reach a two-thirds majority.
  • Adopted a resolution that changes Article of Faith 15 on the Second Coming of Christ (JUD-802). 
  • Referred a resolution that changed language in the Dedication Ritual to the Board of General Superintendents (JUD-803).
  • Adopted a resolution that changes language in the Funeral Service rituals (JUD-804).
  • Adopted a resolution that allows nominations from the floor in local/district meetings to be referred for screening (JUD-805).
  • Adopted a resolution that adds language for local and district voting regarding conflicts of interest (JUD-806).
  • Adopted a resolution that adds a paragraph for local disclosure of conflicts of interest (JUD-807).
  • Adopted a resolution that calls for a study committee on lay and clergy roles and relationship to ministry (JUD-814).

To view all General Assembly resolutions, click here.

General Assembly business resumes at 10 a.m. Eastern Time. The sessions will be live-streamed at



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