Timothy Award Recipients
Troy Teeter
Year Awarded: 2017"Troy has been a pastor, youth pastor, district NYI president, and NYI field treasurer. He has faithfully served as a leader, but also as a servant on the Colorado District."
Rich Vasquez
Year Awarded: 2017"Rich faithfully and mindfully conducts ministry in ways that are theologically sound and that build significant relationships. The Northwest Field NYI has benefited from his leadership in countless ways."
Stacey Berggren
Year Awarded: 2017"Stacey has played an integral role and made a significant investment in NYI ministries on the Northwest Field. She is consistently a Christlike example to those with whom she works and serves."
Odily Diaz
Year Awarded: 2017"Odily's strength is her love for the Lord and how she perfectly organizes everything she does. She empowers her youth, inspires them to reach their goals and challenges them to be better Christians."
Mark Fuller
Year Awarded: 2017Mark has demonstrated his passion for the youth of our congregation, not declaring them the leaders of tomorrow, but by placing our youth and hiring younger staff into positions of influence within the congregation.
Jeff and Amy Mills
Year Awarded: 2017"Jeff and Amy have sacrificed vacation time and personal resources to serve and connect with teens for many years. They have set an example of sacrificial love and grace before our church and teens."
Greg Nauert
Year Awarded: 2017"Greg loves our students and wants deeply to see them grow in Christ. He has an incredible servant's heart and is a youth pastors dream!"
Terry Gable
Year Awarded: 2016"Terry is quick to help those in need and has the ability to see areas that need her assistance and jumps in and helps get the task done."
Timothy Lee
Year Awarded: 2016"Timothy has showed us that Bible Quizzing is a vital part of youth ministry. He always pushed to the highest standard, never wanting to just get by."
Mike and Missy Yauger
Year Awarded: 2016"Mike and Missy have been involved with both our children and teens. They have spent many sleepless nights working all night events and their service has never wavered."
Doug and Kandra Hewett
Year Awarded: 2016"Doug and Kandra have been involved in youth camps, district and local quizzing, Doug served as the local NYI president, both on the district NYI council, delegates to district and global NYI conventions."
Johnny Hampton
Year Awarded: 2016"Johnny has served in NYI for many years. He is also part of Sticky Faith where his focus is to bring the model of Family Ministry to the forefront in churches."