Timothy Award Recipients
Joe Bell
Year Awarded: 2017"Joe has been a vital part of the North Carolina Teen Camp. As director, Joe made an impact on many of our students and has led many of them to Christ."
Jennifer McClellan
Year Awarded: 2017"Jennifer works with joy as she longs to see students realize how God can use anyone for the building of his Kingdom. She has inspired students to look beyond their resources and overcome fears."
Jeff Korbler
Year Awarded: 2017"Jeff's love for young adults and Jesus is contagious. We extend our utmost appreciation to this man of God who strives to make a difference with his life."
Gordon Wong
Year Awarded: 2017"Gordon had done an incredible job as a godly leader and voice for the Southwest Field. He has an amazing heart of compassion and his servant leadership is unmatched."
Jimmy De Gouveia
Year Awarded: 2017"Jimmy's evangelistic passion has been contagious and an example for many youth, even to the point of serving outside his country and region as a volunteer missionary in the area of youth evangelism."
Amitava Chatterjee
Year Awarded: 2017"While serving as Field Youth Coordinator for South Asia, Amitava helped local churches throughout the field build healthy youth ministries in the fastest growing area in the denomination."
Gary Hartke
Year Awarded: 2017"Gary has displayed all the attributes warranting the highest level of honor and appreciation we can display within NYI. His ministry to and with young people for multiple decades as a Youth Pastor, District Leader, and NYI Director are indications of his long term commitment to youth and the church."
Deb Eddings
Year Awarded: 2017"The value Deb has placed on young people over the last three decades of ministry has been inspirational to the youth as well as the adults that she has encountered."
Brian Woolery
Year Awarded: 2017"Brian has been a great influence on young people since coming to the Asia-Pacific Region. He continues to invest his time and effort in reaching and empowering the young people of Japan District."
Chip and Jamie Rogers
Year Awarded: 2017"The fruit that has been produced through Chip and Jamie's ministry evidences their love and passion for building up the Kingdom through the youth of our community."
David Bedell
Year Awarded: 2017"Even before officially working as a volunteer youth staff, Dave participated in our prayer partner program where he excelled as mentor and spend significant time with the teen he was partnered with."
Letha Stevens
Year Awarded: 2017"Letha has faithfully served and continues to serve as a Sunday School teacher for over 46 years. Currently there are three generations of church members who have been taught by her."