Timothy Award Recipients
Greg Gilberto
Year Awarded: 1999Quote not available.
Marlene Johnston
Year Awarded: 1999Quote not available.
Brian and Trina Mohney
Year Awarded: 1999"Brian and Trina care so much about the youth of this church and would do anything for them. They have always been there anytime we needed them."
Mike Williams
Year Awarded: 1999"Mike supports the quizzing program by keeping his young people involved. He is well liked by all ages making time for people, especially young people."
Carl Greek
Year Awarded: 1999Quote not available.
Rich and Pat Hartman
Year Awarded: 1999Quote not available.
Brenda Harred
Year Awarded: 1999Quote not available.
Don and Debbie Moody
Year Awarded: 1999"Don and Debbie have always been a team. They are never too busy for our youth and their burden for the teens spills over in their testimony."
John and Darlene Harris
Year Awarded: 1999"During their 10 years of leadership the quizzing program grew and flourished. They both continue to be very actively involved with youth ministry on district and local levels."
Fred Morrison
Year Awarded: 1999"Fred models true Christ-like qualities of humility, servant hood and joyful attitude of praise and worship. He is truly a prayerful man of God."
M.V. Scutt
Year Awarded: 1999Quote not available.
Rick Puckett
Year Awarded: 1999Quote not available.