Peru women’s conference teaches collaboration with God

Peru women’s conference teaches collaboration with God

by | 21 Feb 2019

More than 700 women participated in the third Peru National Women’s Conference 7-10 February in Chiclayo. There were 13 districts represented, including indigenous Shipibas from the Amazon rainforest in Peru. Some participants traveled for up to five days to get to the event. 

The presenters included Nineye Diaz de Herrera from Colombia, Patricia Donnelly from the USA, and Martha Periche and Yelka de Bernales from Peru. The presentation topics centered around fulfilling different roles given by God in the family, the church, and in society.

Peru National Women’s Ministry Coordinator Lourdes Rimarachin was proud of the speakers and the presentations they led.

“God touched our lives incredibly through these servants of God,” Lourdes said.

Through the presentations, participants were encouraged to embrace a collaborative roll alongside God in ministry.

“For me, it was an impact and really edifying to hear motivational presentations and testimonies of healing and challenges for pastors and to hear very clearly that God is the only hope for humanity,” said Flor Requejo, event participant from the Cajamarca District.

The event also featured the national Bible quizzing and Bible speed contest finals. First place in Bible quizzing was the Peru Cajamarca District, and second place was held by the Peru Andean District. In the speed contest, the winner was the Cajamarca District and second place was won by the North Pacific District.

“It was a special and blessed trip, and the testimonies of love and power of God [brought] physical, spiritual, and emotional health,” said Marlene Palma, local pastor from the Liberty District in Chavín. 

--Church of the Nazarene South America



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