Oklahoma pastor conquers dyslexia, illiteracy
In early June 2002, the 51st District Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene met in Tulsa.
The district's 41 churches were assembled with their pastors and representatives for the closing session. Issues had been discussed; decisions had been made; pastors had been appointed to their new church homes, yet a feeling of expectancy pervaded the assembly.
The next announcement would reveal the recipient of the citation of merit award.
Harold Sanders stepped to the podium, removed a leather-bound frame from an envelope and announced, “Michael Howard, in special recognition for meritorious service is presented this award as the alumnus of the year of the Northeast Oklahoma District Church of the Nazarene. This award is given because of the recipient's spirit of cooperation, exemplary service, and personal impact for the cause of Christ.”
For the rest of the story, see The Oklahoman.