Children of Cuba plane crash victims join PK retreat
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries organized a retreat for pastors’ kids in Cuba 26-28 July. The retreat took place at Nazarene Theological Seminary in Punta Brava, Cuba. Fifty children and youth attended the event, six of whom lost their parents in the plane crash on 18 May.
Throughout the retreat, the children participated in times of prayer, recreation, and worship, including a day at the hotel swimming pool and a special dinner at a local restaurant. The retreat featured speakers Beatriz Reyes, Cármen Álvarez, and Rebeca Gómez.
“I thank the Holy Spirit for His presence, care, and visitation,” said Mabel Fernandez, Cuba West District NCM coordinator. “Each attendee was touched and encouraged to cherish their salvation, to make decisions in Him, and to know that they are never alone.”
Fernandez thanked the West District and NCM on the Mesoamerica Region for their financial support and also everyone who volunteered.