Argentina pastor remembered

Argentina pastor remembered

by | 25 Feb 2015

Hugo Olveira, a pastor and professor, passed away February 8 due to respiratory failure.

Olveira came to know the Lord at age 25 when a friend invited him to a prayer group at the Union of the Assemblies of God Church. He soon felt God's call to serve Him, so he enrolled in an Assemblies of God Bible school. After three years of preparation, Olveira helped with a church in the city of Pergamino and a church in the town of Merlo. Every day on his way home, Olveira went down a street where there was a Church of the Nazarene. More than once he went in to listen to what was preached, and he was struck by the liturgy of the church. Olveira decided to request membership there and the pastor later asked him to teach Bible studies.

After his ordination as a Church of the Nazarene elder in 1995, Olveira pastored the Moreno Belen Church of the Nazarene and, until his death, worked as a professor at Nazarene Theological Seminary-Southern Cone (Seminario Teológico Nazareno del Cono Sur).

One of Olveira's students was Stella Maris Lombardo, whom he married on March 18, 1989. The couple had two children, Juan Manuel and Ana Clara.

Friends and family members shared that Hugo loved to research and read about general history. He also admired the life of the Apostle Peter for his impetuous and determined character. 

To send condolences to the Olveira family, write to them at
--Church of the Nazarene South America Region




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