Al Jagger: A life spent campaigning for Christ

Al Jagger: A life spent campaigning for Christ

by | 09 Nov 2016
Al and Elva Jagger

At an age when most people retire and begin slowing down, Al Jagger sped up.

Jagger, the oldest JESUS Film Harvest Partners supporter, passed away October 23 at age 98. He was a longtime member of Eugene First Church of the Nazarene.

After becoming distressed at the commercialization of Christmas, he thought of a way to remind others of Jesus’ birthday through a simple yard sign proclaiming “CHRISTMAS—Jesus—Celebrate His Birth.” More than 70,000 signs have been sold in the 12 years since Jagger began campaigning for Christ. They have been spotted across the world, in all 50 states, all the way to India, Africa, and Australia.

In the 2013 JESUS Film Harvest Partners Winter Newsletter, Jagger said, “I don’t have a lot of years left on this planet, so I want to do all I can to help people come to know Jesus.”

Jagger proclaimed the message in a unique way this past Easter season. He rented short-term space on 12 billboards throughout the Eugene, Oregon, area and bought 100 banners that he resold at cost or gave to local churches to hang on their exterior walls. The billboards and banners all declared “The Greatest Event Ever! Jesus Raised from the Dead, Preparing a Place for You!”

In an article last March, Jagger told the Eugene Register Guard, “As soon as this (billboard) job is over, I’m ready to go.”

Jagger also said he wanted to continue to help people come to know Jesus after he left to be with Him. He set up his estate to sponsor a JESUS Film Team for 15 years beyond his lifetime.

“Because of his past and forward planning efforts ... people will personally know Jesus as their Savior,” said Darrell Leber, JFHP director of partnership development.

Jagger even found ways to spread light through his hobbies.

“He loved making lamps on his wood lathe … he was always trying to shine a light somewhere,” Leber said.

Jagger said one of his passions was “being as effective as he possibly could” through giving. After hearing about a Partner Investment Trip to Guatemala, he immediately agreed to sponsor a JESUS Film equipment set and motorcycle for a team. At age 96, he hosted a World Challenge fundraising event where 140 people attended.

Jagger’s mission to spread the Good News of Christ will live on as many people will adorn their lawns with “Jesus” signs later this month.

Eugene resident Shirley Becker decked her lawn with a “Jesus” sign for many years. She placed it by the street next to a manger scene with hay.

“It’s a wonderful thing to see because the signs saturate the neighborhoods with the real meaning of Christmas,” Becker said.

Jagger impacted many, both in his community and far away.

“I’d like to think there was a big yard sign just outside the pearly gates with the message 'Welcome Home, Al,'" said John Cunningham, JFHP national ambassador coordinator. "Al would be grinning all the way through the gates.”

JFHP is a Kingdom-building ministry devoted to world evangelism through the JESUS Film and other tools used by teams of local people for evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.

--Jesus Film Harvest Partners



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