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Liberia Flag

Flags of the Nations: Liberia

Since 2009, the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center proudly flies a flag each week of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. This week's flag: Liberia, Africa Region.
09 Oct 2023
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Monrovian women empower one another

In a church building in the heart of Monrovia, Liberia, a small group of women gathered over the course of a few days to talk about their hopes for themselves and the other women in their neighborhoods. The phrase they repeated over and over was “become somebody.” They wanted to have the opportunity
03 Dec 2018
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Nazarenes help meet needs in Ebola-stricken communities

Just over three years ago, the worst Ebola outbreak in history began, taking more than a year to control and eradicate. The disease devastated three countries in West Africa: Guinea (Conakry), Sierra Leone, and Liberia. By the time the outbreak dissipated, nearly 27,000 people were infected and more
25 May 2017
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Radio ministry brings hope during Ebola crisis

Lee and Bouyanue When thousands of Ebola-stricken people in Karnplay City, Liberia, were separated into quarantine camps to prevent the disease from spreading, Nazarenes took an innovative approach to reach them with the hope of Jesus and also combat myths and disinformation about the disease.
15 Dec 2016
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New well brings hope to Liberia community

College View is a newly established community in Sanniquellie in Nimba county on the Church of the Nazarene's Liberia Central District. College View became accessible in 2011 and gained its name from the Nimba County Community College, the only government-formed institution of higher education in
23 Aug 2016
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Liberia project empowers women through training

Liberia was ravaged by the Ebola crisis as well as civil wars over the last decades, reducing the male population. Many women must now provide for their families. In partnership with Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, the Nazarene Women's Project has been in operation since 2001. Edith N'Boyou, a
18 Aug 2016
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West Africa churches create community change through WASH

Water, sanitation, and hygiene are essential for healthy living, but in Sierra Leone and Liberia, these basics are not a given. In Sierra Leone, a 2012 survey of 28,000 water points conducted by the government’s Ministry of Water Resources showed that 52 percent of peo­ple in rural areas have no
12 Aug 2016
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Liberia pastor reaches tens of thousands

Tee Latahn, a Nazarene pastor, school director, and radio host, lives in Karnplay, Liberia. He is from the Dan people group and speaks the Dan language. His congregation also speaks Dan, as do 5,000 Nazarenes on his district, plus an estimated 60,000 to 70,000 people in Liberia, and more outside of
28 Jul 2016
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After Ebola: A volunteer's perspective

Liberia Monrovia District Superintendent Daniel Johnson takes a photo with a family of Ebola survivors. Ronny Beech, a Mission Corps volunteer serving at the Africa Regional Office, recently traveled across the Africa West Field to collect stories from areas ravaged by the Ebola virus. "During the
14 Apr 2016
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Nazarenes in the News: April 8, 2016

Nazarenes in the News is a compilation of online news articles featuring Nazarene churches or church members. The Nazarene chapel in Buffalo Gap Historic Village ( Abilene Reporter-News photo). Texas pioneer remembered Abilene, Texas ( Abilene Reporter-News , April 1) Today, just about the only time
08 Apr 2016
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Kyle Poole

Kyle Poole appointed superintendent of…

19 Sep 2024
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Argentine/Paraguay Missions trip

Central Argentine District blesses Paraguay…

19 Sep 2024
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JESUS Film showings lead to life…

19 Sep 2024
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Bromley District

Bromley District celebrates opening of…

19 Sep 2024
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