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Mexican Border Med Corps

Nazarene Medical Corps provides aid at southern Mexico border

Nazarene Medical Corps provided more than 600 medical consultations for the migrant community on the southern Mexican border area of Tapachula, Chiapas. They also led a service for more than 50 children, who heard the message of the gospel.
13 Oct 2021
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Trinidad NMI Rally

Trinidad and Tobago NMI rally challenges attendees to answer God's call

The Trinidad and Tobago District Nazarene Missions International Council hosted its first virtual missional rally under the theme "Going Where the Church is Not Yet" on 19 September.
08 Oct 2021
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Joscelyn Martin

Leeward Virgin Islands superintendent passes away

Joscelyn Sepeter Martin, 61, passed away 21 September 2021 after a battle with cancer. He served the Church of the Nazarene for over 40 years, most recently as the Leeward Virgin Islands superintendent.
30 Sep 2021
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Costa Rica Church Project

Costa Rica, Florida districts unite for church building project

The Costa Rica North District purchased a property for the recently organized Church of the Nazarene in Filadelfia de Guanacaste, Costa Rica, thanks to a recent partnership with the South Florida District.
23 Sep 2021
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NCM aid Haiti post earthquakes

NCM provides food, tarps for 1,000 families in Haiti

A team of seven volunteers from across the Mesoamerica Region traveled to the South and Grand-Anse districts in Haiti, the two places hit the hardest by the 14 August earthquake, to provide aid and support to the recovery efforts.
09 Sep 2021
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Donuts in Guatemala

Donut workshop connects women in Guatemala

Women in the pioneer area of Pacajá, Guatemala, are learning valuable life skills, becoming financially secure, fostering friendships, and making donuts through a Nazarene-run ministry called Entre Amigas.
03 Sep 2021
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Panama Music Academy

Panama church opens music academy after pandemic delay

Academia de Música in Panama opened its doors to its first students after 17 months of waiting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The school is directed by Neal and Cathy McMullian, a retired Nazarene couple from the USA.
26 Aug 2021
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Lazile 2nd Church of the Nazarene

Haiti still recovering after earthquake

Haiti is still reeling after the 7.2-magnitude quake on August 14. An estimated 2,207 people were killed, more than 12,000 were injured, and tens of thousands are without homes.
25 Aug 2021
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Haiti reeling after massive earthquake

A 7.2-magnitude earthquake shook Haiti on Saturday morning, causing substantial destruction. The Church of the Nazarene has four districts in the area near the epicenter, two of which are known to have sustained significant damage.
16 Aug 2021
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Baptism CAP Oaxaca

Mexico church baptizes 80 people

The Iglesia del Nazareno Centro de Alabanza y Proclamación in Oaxaca, Mexico, recently baptized 80 people with more than 200 people in attendance. In addition, the newly baptized were also welcomed as members of the church.
06 Aug 2021
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In Memoriam beach

In Memoriam: 19 July 2024

18 Jul 2024
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Hortence Balibanga

Hortence and Jacques Balibanga (center), and some of their children.

Celebrating the life, ministry of Hortence…

18 Jul 2024
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Missions team makes impact in Philippines…

18 Jul 2024
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Arizona church sews thousands of dresses…

18 Jul 2024
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NCN (Nazarene Communications Network) is the official news service for the Church of the Nazarene denomination. Founded in 1958, it was originally known as Nazarene Information Services.


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