Sunday School and Discipleship Ministry International's The Discipleship Place congratulates the following individuals approved by their pastor and local church board to receive a certificate of lay ministry. Upon approval, they will complete lay ministry courses.
- Patty Fawver, Grace Church of the Nazarene, Mid-South District
- Ally Fletcher, Connecting Point Church of the Nazarene, Central California District
- Dr. Joyce Wade Kinslow, Bristow Church of the Nazarene, Northeast Oklahoma District
- Ray Allen Rose, Holtville Church of the Nazarene, Southern California District
- Carlos Ruiz, SonRise Church of the Nazarene, Rocky Mountain District
- Stephanie Ruiz, SonRise Church of the Nazarene, Rocky Mountain District
- Trevor Stanley, Odon Church of the Nazarene, Southwest Indiana District
The Discipleship Place also congratulates the following people who completed courses in the month of March:*
- Bobby D. Brown, United Methodist Green Cove Springs Church
- Communicating the Gospel in a Pluralistic World, Exploring Nazarene History and Polity, Youth Ministry Academy
- Margaret Bryson, Bethel Church of the Nazarene, Southwestern Ohio District
- Children's Ministry Course
- Shaniqua Callendar, Beckless Road Church of the Nazarene, Barbados District
- Practicing Wesleyan-Holiness Spiritual Formation
- Lenora Lou Coffman, Cross Lanes First Church of the Nazarene, West Virginia South District
- Exploring John Wesley's Theology, Exploring Nazarene History and Polity, Telling the New Testament Story of God, Telling the Old Testament Story of God
- Sandy Colbrun, Keene Church of the Nazarene, New England District
- Adult Worker, Sunday School Superintendent
- Ally Fletcher, Connecting Point Church of the Nazarene, Central California District
- Telling the New Testament Story of God, Telling the Old Testament Story of God
- Julie Ann Galino, Pico Church of the Nazarene, Philippines Luzon District
- Children's Ministry Course
- William G. Guensch, Indian Head Church of the Nazarene, Mid-Atlantic District
- Exploring John Wesley's Theology
- Suzanne Michelle Hoepfl, Orlando Metro West Church of the Nazarene, Florida District
- Practicing Wesleyan-Holiness Spiritual Formation
- Albert Huerta, Hawthorne Hispanic Church of the Nazarene, Anaheim District
- Dr. Joyce Wade Kinslow, Bristow Church of the Nazarene, Northeast Oklahoma District
- Jerry Kline, Oakdale Family Church of the Nazarene, Central California District
- Telling the New Testament Story of God, Telling the Old Testament Story of God
- William Marsden, Seashore Community Church of the Nazarene, Philadelphia District
- Exploring Nazarene History and Polity
- David Mathiesen, Connecting Point Church of the Nazarene, Central California District
- Sunday School Superintendent
- Michele McCartney, Greene Church of the Nazarene, East Ohio District
- Ray Allen Rose, Bristow Church of the Nazarene, South Texas District
- Ray Allen Rose, Holtville Church of the Nazarene, Southern California District
- Faith-Sharing Strategies, Stewardship
- La Donia Shaw, Defiance Church of the Nazarene, Northwestern Ohio District
- Telling the New Testament Story of God
- Carla Spurgeon, Springs Valley Church of the Nazarene, Southwest Indiana District
- Practicing Wesleyan-Holiness Spiritual Formation
- Nicole Stalkfleet, Baytown Church of the Nazarene, South Texas District
- Exploring John Wesley's Theology, Telling the New Testament Story of God
- Todd Sutphin, Salem Church of the Nazarene, Virginia District
- Practicing Wesleyan-Holiness Spiritual Formation, Telling the Old Testament Story of God
- Kevin Travis, Parkersburg Broadway Church of the Nazarene, West Virginia North District
- Communicating the Gospel in a Pluralistic World, Exploring John Wesley's Theology, Exploring Nazarene History and Polity
- Jonathan Wheeler, Clear Lake Church of the Nazarene, Southern California District
- Exploring Nazarene History and Polity
Please note: The above individuals are being recognized because they contacted DiscipleshipPlace.org to request a certificate of completion. Many individuals complete courses but do not contact organizers to be recognized.
--Compiled by DiscipleshipPlace.org of Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International