Florida church helps repurpose space for new Panama child development center

Florida church helps repurpose space for new Panama child development center

by | 09 Apr 2015

What difference could eight teenagers, a senior pastor, a youth pastor, and Nazarene Missions International president make in just seven days?

That is exactly what the group that traveled from Redland Church of the Nazarene in Miami, Florida, to Panama City, Panama, asked themselves. The Redland group embarked on a journey to partner with the Samaria Church of the Nazarene to help fix the one and only Sunday school room in the church. The 15 by 15 foot room needed to be repurposed to better serve the church and the community through a soon-to-open child development center. The Redland group needed to help plaster walls, re-layer and tile the floor, replace windows and doors, and add a small kitchen and bathroom to the back of the structure.

When they arrived at the Samaria church March 22, the task seemed daunting. Through enthusiasm and hard work, not only was the team able to help with the refurbishing of the Sunday school room, they also helped remodel the sanctuary, visited an orphanage, participated in a kids evangelistic event, and took much-needed supplies to a nearby orphanage.

At the conclusion of the trip, participants were satisfied with the work that was completed and with the new friendships forged.

“We are very grateful to the Redland church (Pastor Treavor Pound, Pastor Ricardo Barrera, and Maria Kircshner) for all their efforts in bringing such a formidable group to help us complete this much needed project," said Amable Polanco, senior pastor of the Samaria church. "We will forever be grateful that you came, helped us, and showed us your love and support.”

--Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica Region



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