

Welcome to Nazarene Disability Ministry, a ministry of Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI)! We’re glad you’re here! On this page you will find information and links to various resources provided by Nazarene Disability Ministry. These resources include the Adapted Discipleship Library (ADL), information regarding online small groups for families with disabilities, and Nurturing Care Project.
The ADL is a website that contains training videos for disability ministry, classroom tools, social narratives, adapted Bible story videos, and much much more. The best part about the ADL… it is FREE!
These online groups provide a space for parents/caregivers to share ideas, successes, set-backs, and milestones in a supportive and encouraging community. We hope to build authentic relationships that edify the body of Christ.
The Nurturing Care Project seeks to design corporate worship and prayer practices that help children nurture their faith within congregational communities of care.
Participating in a church small group increases church participation, a sense of belonging, and a deeper level of personal faith (Dougherty & Whitehead, 2011). Many families, who have children with disabilities, are not able or are not willing to participate in small groups at their church due to the lack of appropriate childcare.
We desire to bridge the gap by providing an online small group option for parents and caregivers of children with disabilities. These online small groups will have the benefit of mutual support from others who understand and who can relate. We hope that ideas, successes, set-backs, and milestones can be shared in a supportive and encouraging community.
Our hope is to cultivate a sense of belonging, and a deeper level of personal faith. We also hope to build authentic relationships in which we can learn, grow, and engage in relationships that honor God and edify the body of Christ. To receive more information, to inquire about facilitating a group on your district, or to express interest in participating in a group; scan the QR Code.