Brazil NYI's 'Just Water' project impacts communities experiencing drought

The "Just Water" project of the Brazil NYI drilled a well in the city of Currais Novos, Brazil, contributing to the improvement of the lives of the people in the region.
The project is part of the national agenda of Brazil’s national NYI program to collect resources and drill wells in places of drought every year. The NYI team has passed through several cities aiming to help the communities of the sertão, or desert area of the country. They take offerings for the project and then travel to help install the wells.
Pastor Alexandre Vieira Teixeira, senior pastor of the Church of the Nazarene in Currais Novos, spoke about the importance of the project in his city:
“The Church is the main beneficiary of the well drilling, since it does not have a water network that serves the site, and for that reason, it is necessary to buy water constantly for daily use,” Teixeira said. "The well arrives in time and before the critical period of drought that is expected for the coming months; it will already function to serve the families of the region that live in the scarcity of this essential element for life and well-being."
The newly drilled well surprised everyone with a large (3,000 liters/hour) provision of freshwater, which allows its use in any need. Pastor Giovanni Santos, the Brazil NYI coordinator of the Just Water project, highlighted the participation of the national youth in this project:
"The offerings come from our local youth in 100%, distributed in more than 700 churches in Brazil and thanks to this unit, we can carry out transformative actions like this,” Santos said. "Our challenge is to promote this vision and be able to do a lot more than we have been doing through increased fundraising and volunteers involved. The experience we have had in recent years through this work has been wonderful, but we know this is just the beginning!”