Bridges Ministry Council meets to discuss young, single adult ministry

Bridges Ministry Council meets to discuss young, single adult ministry

by | 28 Apr 2016

The Bridges Ministry Council met this month to discuss their initiatives and strategy for the 2016-2017 year. The ministry advocates for young and single adults in the Church of the Nazarene and is a resource for them as they look for ways to grow and serve. Council members span a variety of ages and come from various walks of life but unite around a singular passion: supporting the next generation of the church’s leadership.

With this in mind, the Council created a strategy to participate in upcoming events and conferences, such as hosting a table discussion during General Assembly 2017. Through networking and relationship building, the Council hopes to provide support to young adults in ministry, as well as find ways churches can both encourage and train new leaders. As part of these initiatives, the Council will be listening to young adults in the church to learn about their struggles, concerns, and recommendations. From this input, they hope to better reach their audience and continue to bridge the gap between generations within the Church of the Nazarene.

To learn more about Bridges Ministry, visit

--USA/Canada Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries



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