Nazarene Youth International launches Timothy Award Recipient Database
Nazarene Youth International recently launched the Timothy Award Recipient Database, an online directory of the more than 650 deserving individuals who have received a Timothy Award in the past 22 years.
Established in 1995, the Timothy Award is presented to youth workers, volunteers, pastors, camp directors, Bible Quizzing coaches, district superintendents, professors, and others who demonstrate personal commitment to youth through service and sacrifice.
Churches, districts, fields, and regions nominate candidates by submitting an application and nomination letter. The letters are typically filled with stories of the generous and loving ways the nominee has faithfully invested in their youth over the years. These individuals live their lives in ways that embody the words of the Apostle Paul, who recognized Timothy’s commitment to the needs of others: “I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare” (Philippians 2:20).
Nazarene Youth International came up with the idea for a database during the 20th anniversary of the Timothy Award in 2015 and set to work collecting quotes about and pictures of as many recipients as possible. Each database entry includes the name of the recipient, the year the award was presented, the recipient’s home country, who presented the award, a quote from the nominating entity (if available), and a picture of the recipient (if available). The database will be regularly updated as new recipients are named and as missing details are received.
Candidates for a Timothy Award must have served in youth ministry for a minimum of 10 years. For more information about how to submit an application, click here.