NBC elects John Bowling as interim president

The Nazarene Bible College Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the unanimous election of John C. Bowling as interim president. He will assume leadership on 1 March 2025.
Bowling will follow Scott Sherwood, who has accepted the call to pastor Kansas City First Church of the Nazarene.
Bowling’s distinguished career in Christian higher education spans three decades as the longest-serving president of Olivet Nazarene University. He also held the positions of senior pastor of the College Church of the Nazarene in Bourbonnais, Illinois, and senior pastor of Dallas First Church of the Nazarene in Dallas, Texas. Additionally, he has been a faculty member at Nazarene Bible College and Olivet Nazarene University.
Beyond his ministry and higher education endeavors, Bowling has served as a member of the Board of Directors of Nazarene Publishing House and the Church of the Nazarene Foundation Board. He has also been a past member of the USA/Canada Council of Education and the International Board of Education for the Church of the Nazarene. Furthermore, Bowling is a published author of four books and over 60 published articles.
Through a thorough and rigorous search process, NBC identified John Bowling as a desirable candidate to lead NBC through this transition period. His extensive experience, unwavering drive, and profound passion make him well-equipped to guide NBC effectively.
“We are confident that through prayerful discernment and divine providence, the selection of John Bowling brings to NBC a leader who possesses the requisite leadership abilities and significant grasp of the mission of the church, with qualities to lead NBC during this interim season,” said Phillip Fuller, chairman of the NBC Board of Trustees.
Despite the evolving landscape of higher education, particularly regarding online delivery systems, the mission and role of NBC remain paramount. Bowling is eager to contribute to the next chapter of the college’s service to the church.
--Nazarene Bible College