Mexico NMI leaders inspired, called to serve

More than 250 leaders of Nazarene Missions International, pastors, and district superintendents from along Mexico’s southern border gathered in Tapachula, Chiapas, from 16-18 January to strengthen their training in missions.
Representing seven districts (South, South Border, South Pacific, Oaxaca, Oaxaca Northwest, East, and Olmeca), attendees renewed their commitment to global evangelism.
During the event, key topics were addressed, including NMI’s identity statement, the importance of involving children and youth in missions, and the present and future impact of the movement. The speakers also emphasized the significance of offerings, particularly the World Evangelism Fund as a cornerstone in expanding God’s kingdom.
Erika Chaves, Missions Mobilization coordinator, led a session on the Genesis Initiative, a project to plant churches in cities and islands with little Nazarene presence in the Mesoamerica Region. She highlighted the importance of local churches supporting missionaries working in these challenging contexts.
Jorge Córdova, Mexico field strategy coordinator, led the biblical reflections, while workshops were conducted by Jennifer Staudt, global NMI projects coordinator; Ana María Crocker, regional NMI coordinator; Sara Cetino de Díaz, Mesoamerica NMI; and Erika Chaves.
One of the most significant moments of the event was the recognition of each district for its support of WEF. The South District received special recognition as the highest contributor in Mesoamerica.
“These training sessions are essential to update our leaders’ knowledge and reinforce our mission of advocating for missions in every local church,” Crocker said. “NMI fosters a missionary spirit and mobilizes believers into action, impacting lives worldwide.”
Córdova inspired participants with a call to service.
“Every day is an opportunity to serve,” he said. “NMI gives us the chance to do so through prayer, generosity, and action. Serving means stepping out of our comfort zone and dedicating our time and effort.”
The event was organized by María Lucía Manuel, NMI coordinator for the South Border District and regional representative to the Global NMI Council, along with her team and the host district led by Shadia Franco.
--Mesoamerica Region Church of the Nazarene