DRC team works to feed community during COVID-19

DRC team works to feed community during COVID-19

Church of the Nazarene Africa Region
| 14 May 2020

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, churches have been working together to educate and fight against COVID-19. A task force already in place for disaster awareness is now focusing its efforts on this global pandemic. 

The task force, comprised of mainly young people, combines resources from Nazarene Compassionate Ministries and the Child Sponsorship program to provide for children and families in need. These young people work in two different areas. 

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries has an existing agricultural project growing maize, sweet potatoes, beans, cassava roots, and vegetables. During the pandemic, these food items are being offered to the most vulnerable in the community. 

In addition to providing food, the team has worked with a partner to design a hand washing machine that will provide a more hygienic option for washing hands. This machine uses foot pedals to control the water and soap. The team has been able to purchase two machines already and is preparing to purchase three more.           

“This task force is working and thinking creatively to serve others,” said Célestin Chishibanji, superintendent of the South Kantaga District. “They saw a need and have used their resources to serve those around them. We are proud of the church in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for taking on this initiative and being Christ to those around them. May we all be inspired by their example to join together in serving our communities in the fight against COVID-19.”

--Church of the Nazarene Africa Region



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