MNU signs new agreement with Johnson County Community College

MNU signs new agreement with Johnson County Community College

by | 08 Mar 2016

MidAmerica Nazarene University and Johnson County Community College officials announced a revised articulation agreement reaffirming the enduring partnership between the two schools. Signed by MNU President David Spittal and JCCC President Joseph M. Sopcich in a meeting at JCCC, the revised agreement reaffirms previous agreements and provides new benefits to JCCC students who transfer to MNU.

The articulation agreement outlines how credit hours from JCCC transfer toward a degree plan at MNU. This saves students’ time and money by ensuring that completed courses at JCCC count toward an MNU bachelor’s degree. MNU will continue to accept Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees from JCCC and guarantee university admission to new transfer students with junior standing. Additionally, students may utilize the reverse transfer process to have MNU courses posted at JCCC should they choose.

New in the agreement are benefits and discounts for JCCC transfer students. Associates degree students who are within two years of graduation from JCCC are eligible for a 20 percent discount in the following professional studies degree programs at MNU:

  • Bachelor of Arts in accelerated elementary education
  • Bachelor of Arts in applied organizational leadership
  • Bachelor of Science in nursing (degree completion RN-BSN*)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (online)

*Available on-site or online.

In an effort to welcome JCCC students to MNU, the university has also invited currently enrolled JCCC students to attend MNU sports, cultural arts, community life, or other designated free student events with their JCCC student identification card.

“Reaffirming our commitment to JCCC students who wish to transfer to MNU is the goal here,” Spittal said. “We are delighted to now offer students a discount into several of our degree completion programs and we hope to see many JCCC students enjoying our events here at MNU.”

The JCCC/MNU agreement germinated on a Southwest Airlines flight somewhere over the heartland. Boarding the plane, Sopcich noticed the seat next to Spittal was empty.

“And because this was Southwest, and you can sit where you want, I plopped myself down next to David,” Sopcich said.

They talked about the similarities of their institutions and articulation agreement action plan.

“We appreciate the opportunity to work with MNU and all the great work you do in this community,” Sopcich said. “Your institution is a fixture, certainly in Olathe, but in Johnson County as well, and we appreciate your efforts to come together to work with our team.”

--MidAmerica Nazarene University




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