Unleash conference invites movement of God in Asia-Pacific Region

Unleash conference invites movement of God in Asia-Pacific Region

by | 07 Nov 2019

Nearly 500 Nazarenes from throughout the Asia-Pacific Region gathered in the hills of northern Thailand to worship together and equip themselves for making Christlike disciples.

The 2019 Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, held October 18-22 near Chiang Mai, featured powerful worship, challenging speakers, informative workshops, and fellowship with Nazarenes from every field in the region.

The theme of the conference, “Unleash the Power,” was selected to challenge attendees to leave behind the traditions and habits that had become idols and hindrances for the Holy Spirit to work in their lives.

As Asia-Pacific Regional Director Mark Louw shared in his messages, the goal was for the Asia-Pacific Region to participate in a “movement of God through the people of God.”

“When the power of God is unleashed upon us,” Louw said, “…it’s not that we might have the power to do what we want to do, the power to speak to nature and calm the storm, and pray that rain would come down like some miracle-worker [would do], or that we would have the power to save someone. No, the power of God that comes upon us is an unseen power at work within us that changes us…into His likeness, if we will trust Him and let Him do His work.”

During the morning devotional, this call was articulated by the other speakers, including General Superintendent Eugénio Duarte and Chapman International College Chancellor Bill Kwon. The mission of discipleship was further laid out by General Superintendent Fili Chambo, who shared in the evening services.

These services were accompanied by powerful, Spirit-filled worship from a worship team led by George Williamson of Point Loma Nazarene University and made up of musicians from across the Asia-Pacific Region.

To equip attendees to truly live a life unleashed by the Holy Spirit, numerous workshops were provided. These covered a wide range of topics, such as discipleship methods, sharing the gospel through pictures, the theology of worship, and conflict resolution. Attendees were also given the opportunity to reflect on the services and workshops in fellowship with their fields and ministry partners, allowing them to adapt their learning to their individual contexts.

“The Unleash conference was a true revival,” said David Philips, field strategy coordinator for Southeast Asia, who hosted the event. “The spirit of prayer, obedience, worship, and celebration saturated the event.”

“The workshops were tremendously helpful,” he continued. “Our people were greatly encouraged and went home with a new vision! The connections between people were delightful to see. All over the place, people were meeting, planning, laughing with joy. We are very grateful to the regional director for selecting Thailand for this event.”

--Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific Region




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