Accomplishments for March/April/May/June 2023 would like to congratulate the following individuals for being approved by their pastor and local church board to receive the certificate of lay ministry. would like to congratulate the following individuals for being approved by their pastor and local church board to receive the certificate of lay ministry.
Do you know that the new Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) Handbook was launched immediately prior to the Global NDI Convention?
Nazarene Educators Worldwide (NEW) was visible and active in numerous ways at General Assembly 2023. This General Assembly provided the NEW Council the opportunity to clarify the mission and purpose of this specialized ministry for educators.
"Super Wonderful" was not just a song that we opened with during praise and worship time, but it described the whole atmosphere surrounding World Quiz at General Assembly! What a privilege and an honor to get to come together!
Gathering from Around the World
Over 180 pastors and laity filled Room 235 of the Indianapolis Convention Center for the NDI workshop titled A Road to the Marginalized: Reaching the Invisible! A panel of six representatives from the Nazarene Motorcycle Fellowship’s council shared their insights and entertained questions.
Nazarene Discipleship International’s mission is to carry out the Great Commission to children, youth, and adults in preparation for a lifelong journey of being and making Christlike disciples in the nations. This path of disciple making, and the church’s co-mission with Jesus Christ, is to reach the lost, establish new believers in their faith, and walk with them into the joyous experience with God called entire sanctification.
On 9 June, Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) welcomed delegates and guests to the 30th General Assembly and Conventions and invited them to visit the NDI exhibit, which was built in collaboration with Nazarene Missions International (NMI) and Nazarene Youth International (NYI). The NDI exhibit focused on A Journey of Grace