From left to right, Kyle, Omar, Ira, and Sandra.
A New Handbook for the New NDI: This edition of the NDI handbook is the result of the Church of the Nazarene’s refocused vision for making disciples along A Journey of Grace. To download a personal copy, click here!
Have you encountered disciple makers who have gone beyond the norm of what is expected? Jesus encourages his followers to offer themselves beyond what is required, to do more than is expected, because “It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 3:24, NIV).
Join us in giving to this year’s global KRK offering, Spiritual Olympians! Through your giving, Kids Reaching Kids (KRK) will provide needed resources to other children around the globe so that they can receive the gospel and become spiritual olympians.
Every year, Nazarene churches are bombarded by numerous VBS programs from other denominations and companies not realizing that there is a VBS curriculum created by Nazarenes for Nazarenes. Before you purchase a VBS resource that may not reflect the Church of the Nazarene’s theology, investigate one created especially for Nazarene children.
NDI is pleased to present the plenary speakers for LC2024.
On December 11-12, 2023, Ukrainian families gathered in Barcelona, Spain, to attend an event organized in collaboration with Nazarene Discipleship International and Eurasia regional leaders.
As the USA/Canada Region begins work blessing our communities, I felt it would be encouraging to share the work of one of our churches in Palmer, Alaska. Pastor Joe Parreira and his congregation were able to bless their community with a playground designed for individuals with special needs.
Have you heard about AI? AI is short for artificial intelligence. “Artificial intelligence (AI) is the theory and development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that historically required human intelligence, such as recognizing speech, making decisions, and identifying patterns.