Bromley District

Bromley District celebrates opening of…

19 Sep 2024
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MVNU appoints new Chief Development Officer

16 Sep 2024
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A Year of Great Strides in Nazarene Disability Ministry Resourcing

Rev. Ryan Nelson
Disability Ministry Coordinator, Church of the Nazarene
Disability Ministry

I can hardly get my mind wrapped around the fact that it is already September! It is hard to believe that it has been almost a year since I had a conversation with Scott Rainey about disability ministry in the Church of the Nazarene. God has been so good during this first year. We have made some great strides in making disability ministry resources more accessible to the local church.

Discipleship a Journey of Discovery and Adventure!

Rev. Susan Booth
NDI representative to the General Board
Susan Booth photo

A journey of grace is on everybody's lips. These words have made me think about my own journey of discipleship. Firstly, my thoughts took me to the journey that the Emmaus disciples had with Jesus in Luke 24. The words that stood out for me are in Luke 24:32 (MSG): “Back and forth they talked.

Discipleship at Home

Lindsay Parson
NEW Homeschool Representative
Boys in the backseat of a car

Just before Christ ascended into heaven, he instructed his disciples to “go and make disciples, baptizing and teaching . . .” (Matthew 28:19-20, NIV). The Great Commission is for all believers to follow, especially in their homes, so we proclaimed the good news and lived authentically as a beacon of light for all those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Little Ones Can Know, Love, and Serve Jesus

Rev. Jan Wilton
NEW Preschool Representative
Preschoolers playing

We often hear that children under the age of 6 do not have the spiritual capability to really know and have a “real” understanding of God’s love. This refers to children who are in classes in church and preschool where they are not fully exposed or really encouraged to develop spiritually.

Discipling the Next Generation: A Case for Microschools

Nancy Shonamon
Principal of Shawnee Nazarene Academy and NEW Christian School Representative

Many families experience the dilemma of making difficult educational decisions for their children. Parents across the United States have withdrawn an unprecedented number of students from public school systems, and homeschool is one of the fastest growing forms of education in America.


Poppy In Memoriam

In Memoriam: 20 September 2024

16 Sep 2024
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Impacting the Lives of College Students

Dr. Mark Taylor
NEW College Representative
College Student

During my first year of college, I was a commuter student and did not really connect much with campus life. In my sophomore year, I started living on campus. It was there that I would connect with a campus ministry.

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