The Countdown to General Assembly and the NDI General Convention Continues!
By Victoria Sawyer, NDI General Convention Coordinator | 09 Jun 2022

We are officially one year away from gathering together in Indianapolis, Indiana, for the 30th General Assembly! It is hard to believe how far we have come and how close we are to finally meeting together. While you are anxiously awaiting additional details, please enjoy this testimonial from one who has had the opportunity to experience General Assembly in previous years.
“I am excited to gather with my neighbors from around the world.”
“General Assembly provides the opportunity for the global family of Nazarenes to gather and connect. I think most of humanity has longed to be together. After extended periods of isolation and physical separation, I see the joy of connectedness on parishioners' faces as they gather for worship. The same could be said of our global family. I confess, I have not always relished our gatherings, at least the business portions. However, the last time we gathered for General Assembly, I met two Nazarene pastors from Africa that inspired me. We shared a meal, and I listened to their passion for their communities. They walked miles to the homes of men they were discipling. I was humbled and left with a renewed desire for our community. When we think of our neighbors, we, like the lawyer in Luke's gospel, might ask, "Who is my neighbor?" The answer is human beings. Humans beings are our neighbors. I am excited to gather with my neighbors from around the world. I hope you will join us!”
-Matt Hastings, Southeast NDI educational field coordinator
What you need to know!
As mentioned in the last issue, use this notice as your reminder to stay connected through NDI’s bi-monthly Journey newsletter, as well as other Nazarene communications. You may have also seen the flyer (as seen above) that was released at your district assembly. This is your key to important information as we continue our countdown!
In the next few months, you can anticipate more detailed information to be released on the Church of the Nazarene’s social media pages and General Assembly website. For now, watch for the following information:
Summer 2022:
- Countdown begins to convention date: 9-16 June 2023
- Resources made available to help plan your trip to Indianapolis
- Love Your Neighbor project details released
Fall 2022:
- General volunteer registration begins
- World Quiz information released
We are excited to be moving forward with planning a wonderful time together for all ages and cannot wait to share all of these plans with you!